
Kanyári Eszter

I’m Eszter Kanyári, originally a designer, economist and event planner. After the birth of my daughter, I felt I needed a creative hobby. As a former designer, I wanted something to do with crafting, but nature-related as well: my love of nature and flowers has always been a great source of pleasure. Plus, I wanted something I could involve my daughter in and have some fun together. In 2018 I attended a workshop to learn the basics, and a day later I bought all the tools and ingredients to get started as a self-taught creator of unconventional floral decor.
My art became so popular, so quickly, that I created my own brand: Sugarcraft by Eszter Kanyári.


Good to know about / Useful informations

You may contact via email, phone, direct message or meet in person in my showroom…


Media Actualities & Cooperations

A Rákellenes Világnapot (World Cancer Day) 2000 óta minden év Február 4-én tartják meg - a világnap és a hozzá kapcsolódó kampányok célja a figyelemfelhívás és a cselekvésre szólítás. „Catalina Anghel azúcar'arte” immár hatodik éve szervezte meg a „World Cancer Day Sugarflowers and Cakes in Bloom” együttműködést.

A Rákellenes Világnapot (World Cancer Day) 2000 óta minden év Február 4-én tartják…